I recently attended the Global Leadership Summit. The Global Leadership Summit focuses on growing leadership in non-profit organizations and churches. I participated in this event as part of the Hope for Haiti’s Children team. When first invited, I was dubious… Continue Reading →
I have been thinking about leadership lately. This topic is a bit trite as there is abundant material available. I decided to outline my personal views on leadership for what it is worth. I have never taken a class on… Continue Reading →
The idea of working from home is not new, but the concept has received much more attention and participation during the COVID-19 pandemic. I recall when this idea first began with Friday being the usual day to work from home…. Continue Reading →
I love a happy ending to a story. Maybe the cowboy rides off into the sunset, or they live happily ever after. As much as I like these types of endings, they do not represent real life. You might be… Continue Reading →
This my second blog entry about early retirement. In the first installment, I discussed the importance of saving and limiting debt. What do I mean by early retirement? The classic definition is retiring from work before a statutory age. Implied… Continue Reading →
I read a lot of books. Most of what I read is entertaining for a while but forgettable in the long run. There are a few profound books that changed my life when I first read them, and they continue… Continue Reading →
It is coming up on 5 years since I took early retirement from Hewlett Packard. While I worked as a minister for 3 of those 5 years, my 25 years at HP defined my work life. I am currently not… Continue Reading →
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