Thoughts on Travel, Career, Spiritual Matters and Other Stuff

Category Financial

Act 2 – Preparing for Early Retirement

This my second blog entry about early retirement. In the first installment, I discussed the importance of saving and limiting debt. What do I mean by early retirement? The classic definition is retiring from work before a statutory age. Implied… Continue Reading →

Act 2 – Limit Debt, Save Money

In my last blog, I indicated an upcoming article on my recent trip to the Great Smokey Mountains. I have decided to belay this article for now as I have other stuff on my mind. I am six years into… Continue Reading →

Saving on Prescription Drugs

Now that we are in the thick of the holiday season and there is a tendency to overspend, I decided to share some money saving opportunities. I have always loved to get a good deal and save money. Now that… Continue Reading →


I like to fish. Specifically, I fish for largemouth bass. Like many hobbies, some expenses go with participation in fishing. For bass fishing, these expenses can be anywhere from a few dollars for a fishing pole to over $100k for… Continue Reading →

Impulse Buy

It is that time of the year when people spend money buying gifts for friends and loved ones. The other day I saw an advertisement from my Credit Union for a loan to help pay for Christmas Gifts. This disturbing… Continue Reading →


The Equifax hacking has been all over the news. Over 140 million personal records have been stolen. The early response from Equifax has been very disappointing. Equifax proposed charging people to freeze their credit. Equifax makes money from analyzing sensitive… Continue Reading →


I have entered a phase of my life where I am living off my savings. I have been planning this early retirement for many years. Part of retiring, whether early or not, is to develop a saving program. I opened… Continue Reading →

Spare Tire

I know what you are thinking, this article must be about that extra weight some of us carry around our mid-section after reaching a certain age. I hate to disappoint you but shedding extra pounds is not the subject of… Continue Reading →

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